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We can help you translate and UNDERSTAND a Thai contract
We can help you translate and UNDERSTAND a Thai contract. We will meet you in person after we translated the contract and go trough it with you.
Avoid beeing cheated and triple check your lawyers work before sign anything in Thailand.
Our work is 100% Guaranteed
Your privacy is our main concern
We can help you to check documents like
* VISA Applications
* Marriage Certificate
* Birth Certificate
* Death Certificate
* House Registration
* Family Law Documents
* Employment Contract
* Loan Contract
* Lease or Rental Contracts
* Any and All manner of Documents
For a full day meeting with you and translate your documents from Thai to English we only charge 3900 THB and per page 100 THB.
We can go with you to your broker, agent, lawyer, wife and help you translated in person all for the same price.